Calculate Your Savings

1 Start
2 Estimating Pages
3 Labor
4 Storage
5 Lost and Misfiled
6 Copying Costs
7 Results
1 Start

How much will you save?

Enter your values during the next 5 steps to calculate your estimated annual cost of keeping paper documents.

The results will show you your estimated annual savings of converting from paper files to electronic documents.

2 Estimating Pages

Estimating Pages

First, let's estimate the number of pages of documents that you are currently maintaining in paper format. more



3 Labor


Enter values for each employee directly involved in filing, retrieving, copying and maintaining paper documents.




4 Storage


Lets calculate your current cost and overhead.



5 Lost and Misfiled

Lost and Misfiled

The cost of documents being unavailable for customer support, etc. is often difficult to quantify. We've pre-entered some assumptions based on information available from the document management industry. You can modify these values as you see fit.



6 Copying Costs

Copying Costs

Do you distribute paper copies of your files to other locations? If so, estimate your copying costs.





7 Results


You estimated that you currently maintain pages in paper format.

Your Current Paper Costs

Your Costs by Going Paper-Free

Estimated Annual Savings:

As you can see, the savings from converting your paper files to electronic documents are substantial. To receive these results via e-mail, click "Send Me My Results" or Contact Us for a free consultation.