How much will you save?
Enter your values during the next 5 steps to calculate your estimated annual cost of keeping paper documents.
The results will show you your estimated annual savings of converting from paper files to electronic documents.
Estimating Pages
First, let's estimate the number of pages of documents that you are currently maintaining in paper format. more
Enter values for each employee directly involved in filing, retrieving, copying and maintaining paper documents.
Lost and Misfiled
The cost of documents being unavailable for customer support, etc. is often difficult to quantify. We've pre-entered some assumptions based on information available from the document management industry. You can modify these values as you see fit.
Copying Costs
Do you distribute paper copies of your files to other locations? If so, estimate your copying costs.
You estimated that you currently maintain pages in paper format.
Your Current Paper Costs
Your Costs by Going Paper-Free
Estimated Annual Savings:
As you can see, the savings from converting your paper files to electronic documents are substantial. To receive these results via e-mail, click "Send Me My Results" or Contact Us for a free consultation.